Meow - Logo Complete 7.75" (Green) - Boardhub
R 2,399.00
Availability: 1 In Stock

Meow Logo Complete Green 7.75"

7 ply maple Meow deck
Meow trucks
Meow 52mm wheels
Meow bearings


Anybody who’s not totally naïve knows that skateboarding is a male-dominated scene. There are obviously tons of female skaters out there, but they don’t really have anybody advocating on their behalf. That’s super unfortunate, of course, because there are plenty of ladies who are talented, practice every day and are just as dedicated to skating as the guys are, but they have a way harder time finding sponsors. Lisa Whitaker, an enthusiastic skater, got sick and tired of all the underrepresentation of women in the skateboarding industry. In addition to the Girls Skate Network, an online platform for female skaters, Lisa started her own “women only” deck label with a tax rebate and called it Meow Skateboards.

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